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    Also, Read The following links for More Information

    Data Structures Using C++ Pdf Notes

    To be familiar with the basic techniques of object-oriented principles and exception handling using C++. Pro evolution soccer 3 pc ita download itunes. Be familiar with the concepts of Inheritance, Polymorphism, Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables. Be familiar with advanced data structures such as balanced search trees, AVL Trees, and B Trees.

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    List of Reference Books for Data Structures Using C++ – 2nd Year

    • Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, University Press (India) Pvt.Ltd, 2nd edition, Universities Press, Pvt. Ltd.
    • Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education. Ltd., Second Edition.
    • Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Michael T.Goodrich, R.Tamassia and .Mount, Wiley student edition, John Wiley and Sons.
    • Problem-solving with C++, The OOP, Fourth edition, W.Savitch, Pearson education.
    • Data structures and algorithms in C++, 3rd Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson
    • A Data structures using C and C++, Langsam, Augenstein and Tanenbaum, PHI.

    Data Structures using c++ Syllabus -1st semester


    Abstract Data Types and the C++ Class, An Introduction to C++ Class- Data Abstraction and Encapsulation in C++- Declaring Class Objects and Invoking Member Functions- Special Class Operations- Miscellaneous Topics- ADTs and C++Classes, The Array as an Abstract Data Type, The Polynomial Abstract Data type- Polynomial Representation- Polynomial Addition. Spares Matrices,Introduction- Sparse Matrix Representation- Transposing a Matrix- Matrix Multiplication, Representation of Arrays.

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    Templates in C++, Template Functions- Using Templates to Represent Container Classes, The Stack Abstract Data Type, The Queue Abstract Data Type, Subtyping and Inheritance in C++,
    Evaluation of Expressions, Expression- Postfix Notation- Infix to Postfix.


    Single Linked List and Chains, Representing Chains in C++, Defining a Node in C++- Designing a Chain Class in C++- Pointer manipulation in C++- Chain Manipulation Operations, The Template Class Chain, Implementing Chains with Templates- Chain Iterators- Chain Operations- Reusing a Class, Circular Lists, Available Space Lists, Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomials, Polynomial Representation- Adding Polynomials- Circular List Representation of Polynomials, Equivalence Classes, Sparse Matrices, Sparse Matrix Representation- Sparse Matrix Input Deleting a Sparse Matrix, Doubly Linked Lists, Generalized Lists, Representation of Generalized Lists- Recursive Algorithms for Lists- Reference Counts, Shared and Recursive Lists


    Introduction, Terminology, Representation of Trees, Binary Trees, The Abstract Data Type, Properties of Binary Tress, Binary Tree Representations, Binary Tree Traversal and Tree Iterators, Introduction, Inorder Traversal Preorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal, Thread Binary Trees, Threads, Inorder Traversal of a Threaded Binary Tree, Inserting a Node into a Threaded Binary Tree, Heaps, Priority Queues, Definition of a Max Heap, Insertion into a Max Heap, Deletion from a Max Heap, Binary Search Trees, Definition, Searching a Binary Search Tree, Insertion into a Binary Search Tree, Deletion from a Binary Search Tree, Height of Binary
    Search Tree.


    The Graph Abstract Data Type, Introduction, Definition, Graph Representation, Elementary Graph Operation, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Connected Components, Spanning
    Trees, Biconnected Components, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, Kruskal S Algorithm, Prim s Algorithm Sollin’ s Algorithm, Shortest Paths and Transitive Closure, Single Source/All Destination: Nonnegative Edge Cost, Single Source/All Destination: General Weights, All-Pairs Shortest Path, Transitive Closure.


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    • Distinguish between procedures and object-oriented programming.
    • Apply advanced data structure strategies for exploring complex data structures.
    • Compare and contrast various data structures and design techniques in the area of Performance.
    • Implement data structure algorithms through C++. • Incorporate data structures into the applications such as binary search trees, AVL and B Trees
    • Implement all data structures like stacks, queues, trees, lists and graphs and compare their Performance and trade offs

    Data Structures using c++ Review Questions List

    • Explain Oops Concepts?
    • Discuss representation of polynomial using Abstract Data Type?
    • Write a C++ Program to pop an element from the stack?
    • Explain different types of inheritances available in C++?
    • Write a C++ Program to insert an element at last position into a single linked list?
    • Explain about equivalence class?
    • If number of elements in a binary search tree is N. Give two sample binary search tree where the search time is proportional to i) Log N ii) N
    • Explain with examples different cases of deletion of elements in a binary search tree?
    • Write an algorithm to traverse a graph using breadth first search?
    • Discuss about different ways of representing Graphs in memory?
    • Write a C++ program to sort the following elements using Recursive Merge Sort?
    • Trace the above program for the following elements?
      12, 25, 5, 9, 1, 84, 63, 7, 15, 4, 3
    • With an example Explain the procedure of transposing a Sparse matrix?
    • Discuss about Array as an Abstract Data Type?
    • Write a Program to push an element into a stack?
    • Implement container classes using templates?
    • Discuss about implementing Chains with templates?
    • Discuss about implementation of queues using linked list?
    • Create max heap for the following elements(20, 12, 14, 3, 52, 15, 139, 27, 190)
    • What are Tree iterators? Explain
    • Write an algorithm to traverse a graph using Depth first search?
    • Explain about All pairs shortest path algorithm?
    • Write a C++ program to sort the following elements using Insertion Sort?
    • Trace the above program for the following elements?
      65, 6, 54, 63, 56, 61, 14, 39, 28, 16, 30.

    Buy Data Structures using C++ Books for 2nd year Online at Amazon.in

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    • Ajit J More
    • Techtree Educations
    • Paperback
    • Edition no. First Edition (01/01/1970)
    • English
    Sale Data Structures Using C++ Using
    • Deepak Gupta
    • S.K. Kataria & Sons
    • Edition no. 2012 (01/01/1970)
    • Paperback: 325 pages
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    • N. Kashivishwanath
    • Laxmi Publications
    • Edition no. First (01/01/1970)
    • Paperback: 220 pages
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    • M. Jayalakshmi
    • Laxmi Publications
    • Edition no. First (01/01/1970)
    • Paperback: 126 pages
    Sale Object Oriented Data Structures Using C++
    • K.S. Easwarakumar
    • Vikas Publication House Pvt Ltd
    • Edition no. First (12/11/2000)
    • Paperback: 348 pages
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    • Binding : paperback
    • Language : English
    • Publication Date : 2012-12-13
    • Authors : A. M. Padma Reddy
    • D.S. Malik
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    • A A Puntambekar
    • Technical Publications
    • Edition no. 1 (01/01/2014)
    • Paperback: 552 pages
    Sale Data Structures and Algorithms Using C++
    • This book has been prescribed and recommended as a textbook in the latest AICTE Model Curriculum of Engineering & Technology 2018-19.
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    • Khanna Publishing
    • Edition no. Third (01/01/1970)
    • Paperback: 616 pages
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    • Oxford University Press, USA
    • Varsha H. Patil
    • Oxford
    • Paperback: 704 pages
    Sale Data Structures Using C and C+
    • Langsam / Augenstein / Tenenbaum
    • Pearson Education India
    • Edition no. 2 (01/01/1970)
    • 3.5' and 5.25' disks: 688 pages

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